One week left for Om to be year old. Cant imagine it passed away so fast. But it did. Still planning for the celebration. I would like invite kids on his birthday so that Om can feel the fun of his Red Letter Day.
One of his characteristics that all admires is his good nature and interactiveness. His Kakka is always appreciating his temperament but does not agree that Om has inherited it from me. My mother says I was always smiling even when mingled up with my bowels. I never whined even the bit Om does. Down the line my life did not provide me all the goodies to retain that smile. But I hope I can provide Om all the facilities so that he can carry it on till the end.
Yes, he is a very interactive child, very good with kids. Never misses to greet any guest. He sits in his high chair straight down the lobby for his meals and gives a warm welcome to whoever rings the bell. In the last 3 months he has become very close to his governess who always tries to keep the baby lively.
The house is full with his cooing, whenever he is awake. When I call up from my office and get to hear his BABA, MAMA, PAPA my heart skips a bit as I miss so much. But then that's life. You cant get everything at the same time. He responds to his names whatever he is called up and when asked to show, points his right first finger to his right cheek.
You cannot get away from him doing a wrong thing. He will correct you with a strong "POP" and a finger pointing at you.
He prays to God with both his hands pulled up together over his head, points to everything with his first finger whenever asked. Enjoys when his Baba is doing puja. He will not leave him for once and will accompany him in ringing the bell and the Sankha. He had already felt the heat of Agarbati but that cant put his hand away from it. He touches the Sikha of the candle and I let him do so as I want him to feel it through his skin than hear it from others.
Till now I have never discouraged him in his tracks. I want him to go all extents to learn it himself as I think that's the best way to learn. He is well with books too. Shows interest in going through the animal books he has got, points to the animals when asked to(not all though). He loves to do Horsey Horsey. Lately we have got him a DVD on nursery rhymes for his birthday. He loves to watch it too.
Since his hair is growing down his temples Kanakdi ties it up with rubber bands accompanied with girly clips.. looks so cute in it.
He is into fully solids now.. i.e. hand mashed rice, veg, chick or fish. The machine smashed is being stopped completely since the last week. After that I am noticing that his sleeping habit is also changing ... getting up less at nights which was a horror for me. After going to sleep at about 8.00-9.00 p.m. he used get up at about 12-00 am, 2-00 am, 4-00 am and finally greeted us Good morning at 6-00 am. Now it is getting lesser. He used to have three times milk feed in this span... or would cry if not given. He was weaned off by 10.5 months before which the nights were nightmare to me as he used to feed on for hours, being latched on for hours. It was so painful for me as I could not turn anyway and then getting up fresh in the morning was impossible.
On last Sunday we took him to the roof before the sunset. Whenever told to point out the sun he opened his mouth very wide as if he will eat it up. Nobody has showed him like that, so dont know where he picked it up from. It was just like Hanuman trying to have the sun.
Om is still Mama's boy, always clinging to me whenever I am there. I love to see him play while I sit nearby to guide him. It puts a smile on his lips as he looks at me and it puts a smile on my lips when I look at him. What a great feeling.
Yesterday, my hsbnd was taking out the things one by one out of his pouch after returning home. When he was taking out the last one he told me to guess what it can be and informed that seeing it will drive me crazy. I told him that I only go crazy by looking at Om. Can you guess what it can be. Well, it was the passport sized photograph of Om which we took on Sunday. He is looking at the camera with a perfect face for a passport photo. I guessed it right, isn'nt it.
Om loves banana and bell in fruits. Cant wait to make them ready for him to eat. He has got 6 teeth now, two in the lower jaw and four in the upper. Since the last two days he has learnt to push out the food he is not interested in. Instincts teach them all.
I think I can go on like this for ever. But its time for you all to have a break. So we will be back after a short KitKat break.
P.S. : Forgot to write that he has got a name to him now with a very much valid birth certificate.