Guess Who?????????
Its the character of Maria of the film Sound of Music. Within few months she has reserved that place for herself.
When we were away from home at Regent Estate we were not connected to cable. So I carried the DVD player with me and among the few DVDs I took there was Sound of Music.
One day, just to involve Om, I turned on the film and sat down to explain it to him. He was so endorsed into the musical that soon it had to be played 3/4 times in a row. Raya also joined him. We left that place when Raya was 7.5 months and via my Mom's place we reached home after about one month. At home we were too much busy with cable network and Om seemed to enjoy his stuff at Disney channel too. So after one month at home I again played Sound of Music. Om was overjoyed to see his first best friend which was very expected... But Raya!!!!!
Even the sight of nuns in their uniform moving on the church courtyward triggered such expressions and cooing as if she got back her best friend after two months. She seemed to remember every moves of the movie.
Its so amazing that the movie after all these years can still such young hearts.
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