Friday, May 23, 2008

A confession

During my first pregnancy I was alert for each and every difference that happened to me. I recorded everything and enjoyed and shared the information with my husband. Absolutely nothing missed my attention as it was my first baby that was going arrive.

Each and every movement within me was sure to fill me up with glee. I was welcome to my first child. Along with this I should mention that I got the time too to give attention to all these.

But now when I am due for my second child as are many of the blogging mommies I hardly get the time or opportunity to get note any difference in me. One of the reason behind it is that I have been exclusively breastfeeding and the proofs of my first pregnancy did not get the time to fade out. The age gap between my two kids will hardly 1yr 5 months. I got into my second pregnancy when Om was only seven months. And another reason is that my mind is bogged down with so many things to take care of that it could hardly accommodate the notings of the changes.

Many of who heard about the news stared at me in awe. They could hardly believe the news... got worried about Om that he wont be cared properly as I wont be in proper health. But I have not neglected Om till now except for the extreme stress periods which have been very few.

Instead I must admit that my second child got hardly any importance. All my attention is being occupied by my Om. Concerns of all was showered on Om.

In the process of taking care of Om I could hardly take care of myself which was very much needed for the my second child. When Om was due I restricted my diet to healthy food only ... taking great on the roads.. in transports... etc.

But this time it seems to be as if nothing will happen to my child. She will be alright in all conditions. Dont worry my second child, I will make it up to you after your birth. There wont be any difference between you two in my eyes. You are always welcome though I dont have the time to note down the changes in me due to your concept. B'cas i want you to be each others support all your life and make us parents proud and b'cas your father, whose wish I cant turn down, wanted you to be there beside Om.


B o o said...

Congratulations! And welcome to the club! :) Yes, the second pregnancy just whizzes by even before it sinks in! When are you due, btw?

Om said...

Thanks for your comment. For the first time I got know that you visit this blog. I visit yours regularly and the number of blogs I visit is increasing by each day.

I am due on 23rd August after receiving the good news of all of you you in the line.

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Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker